
Test Sites




Research Stations linked to INTEGRITY:

INTA – Balcarce
INTA – Castelar
INTA – Manfredi
INTA – Rafaela
INTA – Santiago del Estero

The Argentina INTA team is the overall Project coordinator and is responsible for achieving the objectives, milestones, and deliverables on time, and enhancing the collaborative work among Project partners. It also leads WP5 and co-leads WP1, WP2 and WP3.
The main research activities of the Argentinian team in WP1 is measuring changes in soil C stocks (INTA Manfredi) and in WP2 is measuring GHG emissions from crop-ruminant livestock farming systems with different level of integration in Buenos Aires (INTA Castelar-INTA Pergamino, INTA Balcarce) Córdoba (INTA Manfredi), and Santiago del Estero provinces (INTA Castelar-INTA Santiago del Estero). Databases from typically mixed crop-beef (INTA Balcarce) and dairy (INTA Rafaela) production systems described in WP1, are being used to review different decision-making tools, participative methodology assessment, and systems modeling in WP3. In WP4 (INTA Castelar), INTA works with stakeholders and communication activities locally and participates in international dissemination activities.
Regarding enteric methane emissions, Argentina counts on trained researchers in the use of the Sulphur Hexafluoride technique, open-circuit respiration chambers, and has recently acquired four GreenFeed systems. These will be located in different agro-climatic regions of Argentina to perform experiments in contrasting crop-ruminant production systems.





Research Stations linked to INTEGRITY:

INIA – «La Estanzuela»

The Uruguayan team is working on a real case study to investigate the circularity of carbon and nutrient flows through energy. The case study is INIA’s experimental dairy production unit based in La Estanzuela, Colonia del Sacramento. This is a dual production system, with a conventional and a robotized milking room running in parallel, designed to demonstrate new technologies and good practices to dairy farmers. The analysis being carried out considers the unit as a whole (robotized and conventional) that account 413 livestock unit (LU) on total area of 247,5 ha. The 326 milking cows produce 2.087.378 liter per year, giving a productivity of 6403 L/cow/year. Due to its climate condition and social context, it is mainly a pasturebased system with 34 ha of silage production. An agroecological energy flow analysis has been applied, i.e. the inventory considers flows from and to the agroecosystem. We will use the inventory to add a carbon and nitrogen balance. The aim of the study is to capture a picture of the current system and to project a system that maximizes the circularity, promote energy efficiency, minimize nutrient losses and carbon emissions. This will require the elaboration of a productive scenario, in partnership with stakeholders of the sector (a first working group meeting was held in May 2023), and the consideration of expected and desirable changes in markets and consumers.








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Science behind Integrated Crop-Ruminant Livestock Systems Promote Sustainability